Hannah Hoebeke Sculptures






Absent: Gloves 2020

In her ‘Absent’ series Hannah turns her method upside down, without becoming disloyal to her own investigation. Instead of looking for humanity and liveliness she is now searching its absence. Abandoned pieces of clothing – a jacket on the peg, a nightgown on the floor and empty gloves – signify emptiness and loneliness. Where once was the impression and warmth of a body, now only rests the negative, the imprint. Instead of depicting bodily fragments, its casing is sketched. Tossed aside almost carelessly they stress emptiness where once was life. Sketching, modelling, moulding, the clay and the aluminum cement are utilised to create relicts of a presence gone. Hannahs impressionist stroke now hints at liveliness instead of depicting it.

Material: aluminum cement