Hannah Hoebeke Sculptures

About Hannah

Hannah Hoebeke examines the human body through her sculptures. The Ghentian selects fragments from bodies and investigates how to position them in space. Figurative works thus enter into tension with an abstract arrangement. Hannah strives for unity between pedestal and sculpture, moving away from the overused white pedestal. She draws inspiration for this scientific arrangement in museums of classical sculpture. There, remnants (fragments of the human body) are put on display, supported by minimal metal structures, designed in function of the work. This minimal structure, that often forms an elongation of the body, is important to Hannah’s aesthetic. The exciting cutoffs prevalent in antique remnants are a starting point for her fragmentary approach. Often by chance (the breaking of a stone) parts of the body are radically left out. Hannah translates her bodies into dark material, where nuances and shades set the necessary accents. This material can be aluminum cement, with a shade of white through the plaster mold or a dark ceramic clay. These austere materials emphasize the tension between the image and its pedestal. Hannah is currently studying at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts.

Photo of Hannah